Title: Toward a Characterization of Perceptual Biases in Mixed Reality: A Study of Factors Inducing Distance Misperception
Thesis carried out in the AAU Crenau (Nantes) and Inria (Rennes) labs.
Defended at Nantes on November 24, 2020. (Replay of the defense available here)
Highly selective French Engineering School conferring a diploma equivalent to a Master’s degree.
Perception and Interaction in Augmented Reality
Hybrid Team, Inria Rennes / AAU Crenau, École Centrale de Nantes
« Influence of the disparity between accommodation and vergence in the perception of augmented reality environments »
Bibliographic research, design and realization of experiments, writing of scientific documents.
« Modeling and simulation of heritage: for a critical evaluation of digital applications »
Interviews of curators and head of communication of cultural institutions. Analyze of and preparation of a report on the use of digital technologies in French museums.
Experimentation of new methods of cultural mediation.
Development of interactive AR applications based on a 3D environment and a corpus of archive images.
In situ interfacing of archive data during the visit of a major cultural venue in the city of Nantes: the Mauduit salons.
Bruce Thomas
Yue Liu, Yuan Gao
Yuta Itoh
Outreach intervention on perceptual biases in virtual and augmented displays.
Presentation of the laboratory’s project Coraulis (Observation center in augmented reality and sound immersion site) at the annual CNRS (French National Research Agency) humanities exhibition.