Mirror, mirror on my phone: Investigating dimensions of self-face perception induced by augmented reality filters


The main use of Augmented Reality (AR) today for the general public is in applications for smartphones. In particular, social network applications allow the use of many AR filters, modifying users’ environments but also their own image. These AR filters are increasingly and frequently being used and can distort in many ways users’ facial traits. Yet, we still do not know clearly how users perceive their faces augmented by these filters. In this paper, we present a study that aims to evaluate the impact of different filters, modifying several facial features such as the size or position of the eyes, the shape of the face or the orientation of the eyebrows, or adding virtual content such as virtual glasses. These filters are evaluated via a self-evaluation questionnaire, asking the participants about the personality, emotion, appeal and intelligence traits that their distorted face conveys. Our results show relative effects between the different filters in line with previous results regarding the perception of others. However, they also reveal specific effects on self-perception, showing, inter alia, that facial deformation decreases participants’ credence towards their image. The findings of this study covering multiple factors allow us to highlight the impact of face deformation on user perception but also the specificity related to this use in AR, paving the way for new works focusing on the psychological impact of such filters.

Proceedings - 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2021
Etienne Peillard
Etienne Peillard
Associate Professor

My research interests include human perception issues in Virtual and Augmented Reality, spatial perception in virtual and augmented environments, and more generally, the effect of perceptual biases in mixed environments.